This is the home of HUGE Castlevania fans and my channel is devoted to showcasing tons of stuff about the series. I also cover news on Bloodstained, the spiritual successor to Castlevania. My review/retrospective series "Dude, You Haven't Played This Game?!" (DYHPTG?!) is a show that entertains and educates, inspired by old school Youtube like HVGN and 8-Bit Gems, combined with fourth wall breaking, poking fun at being a Youtuber and everything about the hobby, self-deprecation, and obscure tv/movie references. There's also Noob Repair: providing tips and tricks for your hardware without the need to solder; Gaming Linguistics: a break down regarding the pronunciation of certain games and their characters/locations; PixelTunes Radio (110 Episodes/4 Years Worth!) and my current podcast venture, XVGM Radio which now is 6 years and 117+ episodes and counting! Plenty of content for you to enjoy!
Noob Repair, Gaming Linguistics and DONGLED logo created by Daniel Greenberg. Thanks Dan!
Noob Repair, Gaming Linguistics and DONGLED logo created by Daniel Greenberg. Thanks Dan!
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