Midijum Records
Midijum Records's Channel
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Midijum Records
Midijum Records’ original name was “MEDIUM Records”. It was founded by Andreas Binotsch (aka DJ Bim) and Thomas Schirp in 1999.

Due to a legal conflict with the name “Medium Records” the managment was forced to change the name to Midijum Records in 2003.

Midijum Records is listed and known as one of the very first labels of the goatrance/goa – psytrance scene with a base in progressive psytrance. It was the label that released many artist albums that today are marked as “legendary” and “milestones” of some artists. Examples for that fact are releases by Bitmonx, Auricular, Native Radio, Matenda, Tim Schuldt, DJ Exanimo, Silent Sphere and many more.

In May 2007 Midijum Records was integrated into the Plusquam Records Labelgroup.
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