weare6789nospaces's Channel
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I am a speedrunner, smasher, and KI:U player and upload many gaming related vids. I speed run Super Mario 64 mostly, but I also do Ocarina of Time. You can find matches, combo videos, speedrun PBs, and just random gaming videos here.

My online name in Smash is Arch, and in KI:U is Mnk-Arch. I main Palutena in Smash 4, and also use Shulk, Robin, Ike, Ganon, and many others. In Brawl I main Pit. In Melee I main Fox and use Falco, Marth, Link, Dr. Mario and Pichu. In Kid Icarus Uprising I main the Flintlock Staff, but use almost any weapon.

I speedrun Mario 64 and OoT. I mostly do 16 star, but I am working my way up to 120 star. My 16 star PB is 19:05, my 70 star PB is 1:00:03, and my 120 star PB is really bad lol. I am much worse at OoT, and mostly play that for fun. I run Ganonless and Any% no RBA/WW

You can find me live streaming sometimes on Twitch here: http://www.twitch.tv/weare6789

3DS FC: 1075-0742-8614 NNID: weare6789 (PM me if you added me)
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