grimagikoopa's Channel
grimagikoopa has no videos available.
[i changed my pfp at random, after all, my previous one is from March 2021, and i haven't updated my pfp on this channel in a year. it's from one of Vrahno's Godzilla animations btw]

i'm just some 14 year old who makes youtube videos. i am barely active on this channel anymore, so don't expect uploads every single day

age: 14 (ofc)
birthday: february 2nd
gender: male
i like playing video games, graphic design and making fake logos
i also like other things, such as toho's kaiju such as godzilla, fictional countries, alternative history and other things

if you are associated with "Warsaw" (owned by Fune) or "Duck Cult" (owned by Trioptic), do not interact with me any further

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