Rewind, the retrogaming web show that allows you to discover or rediscover the game consoles of fifth ( Playstation, Nintendo 64 ) and sixth ( Playstation 2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox ) generation.
My three friends and I break down a game by video, talking about general things but also about our personal experiences and feelings on games as well as on titles better known for their mediocrity.
Do you want to relax by remembering childish memories or discover what was there before the current consoles? Let us guide you through the world of retro gaming!
The arrival rate of the videos is a whole month.
See you soon
My three friends and I break down a game by video, talking about general things but also about our personal experiences and feelings on games as well as on titles better known for their mediocrity.
Do you want to relax by remembering childish memories or discover what was there before the current consoles? Let us guide you through the world of retro gaming!
The arrival rate of the videos is a whole month.
See you soon
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