Sasha DeKasha
Sasha DeKasha's Channel
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Sasha DeKasha
I film almost most everything I see. Then, I put it in a video and try to make a coherent fun story out of it. I see beauty where others don't - in the desert and the tropics, on the streets and in my home, in the sky and in the sea...
I travel whenever I can and try to do as much as possible in a short period of time no matter where I am. My all time favorite travel destination is the Big Island of Hawaii, but I also travel to Bulgaria, across Arizona and the United States.
I love good food and try to film and show the best places to eat at the locations I visit.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and sharing your product with my viewers, please contact me via email.
Disclaimers: In all videos, I share my life. I do not force any of my opinions on anyone.

Affiliate link: Amazon
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