R_Jay / Mrs.Reach (R_Jay)
R_Jay / Mrs.Reach (R_Jay)'s Channel
R_Jay / Mrs.Reach (R_Jay) has no videos available.
R_Jay / Mrs.Reach (R_Jay)
R_Jay / Mrs.Reach (R_Jay)
"Just an ordinary gamer who likes to play any gaming for fun"
Whether its Playing from Emulator or Steam or maybe something of everything.
I also do 7 Days To Die Alongside Reach Gaming showing off my perspective of the gameplay
Im also a Member of Team Reach Gaming!

Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...
PayPal account if you want to Donate: paypal.me/RJayAndMrReach
My Patreon Channel has just been opened: Show your Support! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=22929418
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