scooby1961's Channel
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Welcome to Scooby1961 - the channel for life. I do fitness, nutrition, and workout videos but I'm just as likely to do a video on coping with major life setbacks, saving, financial planning, real estate, or investing. I started this channel in 2006 after I retired. I dont do the videos you want, I do the videos you need.

I am 61 years old and have always practiced what I preach. I have lifted at least 3x every week since 1982 and consistently do 6-12 hours of cardio a week. I can help guide you because I have been there myself and understand what it is like to be 60 years old and how one lifts differently than an 18 year old.

I don’t care how out of shape you are or if you have ever been to a gym before, you CAN get in better shape than you were at age 30! Its never too late to start fitness and bodybuilding.

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