Fat Kid Central | Eclipse
Hey my name is Max or Eclipse I started my YouTube channel about 5years ago but only within this last year I have been uploading! I enjoy playing games like COD, GTA, FIFA and many other I am not entitled to one game I upload all different types of gameplay. This may include the following: Funny Moments, Montage's, Live Commentaries, Gameplay and Vlogs. The majority of my video's will include friends, fellow gamers and just random people! I used to be a sniper but then I moved to competitive, then I decided to give both of them a rest and just play for fun. If someone was to ask me what sort of sniper I was I would probably say im a Hybrid player. If someone was to ask me what competitive player I was I would say im a OBJ but I sometimes like to be an AR slayer! I am not willing to joins any teams at the moment unless the are advanced players with a channel with over 200 subscribers.
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