F. Alexandre (Old Channel)
F. Alexandre (Old Channel)'s Channel
F. Alexandre (Old Channel) has no videos available.
F. Alexandre (Old Channel)
F. Alexandre (Old Channel)
Hey ! Me it's Kali and i'm 16 years old. I'm a french Web/Appdesigner & UI/UX. I make speedarts and more types of videos on this channel. I'm also an official Graphic Designer for Jade Faction & Jade Expositions.

Former : Horizon, Jade, High, SB, dZ, Ruse, Auto and more...

Contact : kaligraphixcontact@gmail.com

I'm able to work for companies.
You just need to contact me via email or skype (Ask me for it).
So, thank's for support the channel, like, comment all our videos and don't forget to subscribe and share the channel !

©2014 KaliGraphix
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