LY2H Ham Radio Van
LY2H Ham Radio Van's Channel
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LY2H Ham Radio Van
Welcome to my HAM RADIO VAN, Radio Outdoors Plus! This is Linas LY2H (aka LY2BHP, ex ON4BHP) . I'm a licensed radio ham for some 40 years now and I've always been involved in portable operations - outdoors in nature, like parks, field days or business trips from the hotels around Europe. I called my YouTube channel a HAM RADIO VAN because I turned my tiny camper-van into a portable operations HQ! Portable HF and VHF antennas, radios, power supplies, batteries, other field setup - that's what I'm going to talk about most on the channel. But not only - it's a Ham Radio Outdoors Plus, by Plus meaning any other variety of ham-related, and not only topics, be it putting -up a new antenna on my house or getting my portable gear ready for preparedness exercise !
More info about me is available on a QSO TODAY , run by Eric 4Z1UG who kindly interviewed me for his great podcast platform at:

Let's have fun! 73! @Linas_LY2H
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