Ricardo Contreras
Ricardo Contreras's Channel
Ricardo Contreras has no videos available.
Ricardo Contreras
Welcome to my bass boosting channel. I upload high-quality non-distorted bass boosted music since 2018.

Use Invidious or YouTube Music for the best bass boost experience!

Disclaimer: No copyright intended, no money is made off any video from this channel; all credit goes to the original owners.

Before putting up a strike for a video up, please contact me for possibly more information about the issue:
Email: riki.foreveralone@gmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RicardoBass_mp3
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yt.ricardocont...

This will save everyone's time, and there's always a reasonable way to sort issues out, unlike some people/labels who strike channels without sending a removal advice to a channel owner via email or social media before.
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