Jeremy Shaye
Jeremy Shaye's Channel
Jeremy Shaye has no videos available.
Jeremy Shaye
As of late this channel has had an identity crisis. I originally made it to showcase and help web series creators. I ended up meeting amazing people. In the end, whether it was the algorithm or youtube in general - nobody carried about web series. I walked away from the channel.

Almost 8 years later Ai sparked my imagination. I thought I wanted to cover it but the problem with Ai is it isn't people. It isn't filmmakers or singers, or actors. Ai are tools and while I enjoy using them for creating content - I don't think that the tools themselves are my passion.

So now this very old channel is confusing even for me. So I thought why not just make it simple. It's not Film Grit, it's not Your Ai Overlord. It's just me sharing what interests me.
Also I made the old embarrassing videos public so that's fun....


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