Mom on the Spectrum
Mom on the Spectrum's Channel
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Mom on the Spectrum
My name is Taylor Heaton. I teach late-diagnosed autistic adults how to navigate life on the autism spectrum. I received my autism diagnosis at the age of 31 and it changed my life. I went from feeling broken and misunderstood to feeling empowered and even PROUD of who I am, and I'm here to help you unlock this experience for yourself.

I'm not a doctor so please speak with your healthcare provider before implementing any recommendations I make on my channel. Nothing on this channel nor related social media accounts are intended to be medical advice.

There are so many beautiful things about being autistic, and I'm honored to share my journey with you. Whether you're self-diagnosed, professionally-diagnosed, love an autistic person or just want to learn more, you're welcome here.

~ As an Amazon Associate and Flare Associate I may earn a small percentage from qualifying purchases. ~

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