Emmanuel Wolf Machler
Emmanuel Wolf Machler's Channel
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Emmanuel Wolf Machler
Emmanuel Wolf Machler
Wolf's Life in the Southern Highlands.

Well I've left the big city and suburbs behind me to attempt the Off Grid lifestyle down in the South. Complete Channel makeover and new content.
Demonstrations on practical wilderness skills, video reports on encounters and of the problems being off grid. I'll answer the question of how I live off grid in a series of videos too.
Today I live off grid caring for 2 American Staffordshires and 5 Isa Brown hens in the Bargo River Bushlands in the mighty Southern Highlands.
Coming soon;
How I live down in the South.
How do I get my Food and Water?
Defence from Predators- Predator-2 Wolf-0.
Bike Packing the InvisiTRON X1.
Dealing with Fear.
What do we eat?- Regular Meals.
Instinctive Archery with Modern Compound Bow.
The Shepherd Sling and other Throwing weapons.
Bushcraft Builds.
And so much more!
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