Voxridian's Channel
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Hello! I am Braeden Gilliss, I am the founder of Voxridian Dubs! I work with a team of actors to create high-quality comic dubs and make the community a better place!

Current projects:
1: [NEW!] Original Animatics
2: Unannounced Comic Dub series (shhh.)

I am also lending my voice talent to other projects! If you want to cast me for a project, check my Casting Call Club and contact me from there!

Enjoy your stay, and please subscribe on the way out! Thanks!
Notable Projects I'm in:
Fire Emblem Ultimatum as Claude von Riegan and Hubert.
Toxicure videos and Gabaleth's comic dubs (also as Claude, Master Chief, Pit (Kid Icarus) + others)
PixelDip’s Pokemon Minecraft as Rotom Pokedex and Orb-Bot.
Krayt Dragon Film's Marvel voice-dubbed comics as Loki, God of Mischief.
King's Row productions' Overwatch dubs as Doomfist.
RedVelvetVA's Fate/Grand Order: Letter From Permafrost as Kadoc Zelumpus.
Fishy Emblem's [Cipher Crits] Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade as Guy.
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