Dialga22239's Channel
Dialga22239 has no videos available.
►Dialga22239 | DragonfireZeit| ◄ (She/Her)
- - Official Soundtrack Composer for Party Parrot World --

Welcome to my loud mixed Channel!
I make VGM and other Music more epic with Soundfonts or Covers. I make Speedpaints and I record some Thunderstorms sometimes. I rarely do Let's Plays, and they're almost all in German! xD
I really like to collab with other bigger Musicians, so I offer realistic Covers too.
Note to my Rips: The Rippers name are often fake and a hint to the Joke ;P

Please Visit my Deviantart to get more Information about my YouTube Mascot. He has a huge Story tho :D

Art Commisions: Open for Request (Price Sheet and Contact on Deviantart/Twitter possible)
Music Commissions: Closed (Ask me about this on Twitter/Deviantart)

"Can you compose for me a free Original Soundtrack?" - Unfortunately only as Paid Commission
"Can you give me the MIDI/Soundfont of XY Songs" - In most cases I'm not allowed
"Can I request a Remix?" - Sure, but it takes Months to complete

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