Ted Huntington
Ted Huntington's Channel
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Ted Huntington
Welcome to my youtube webpage. Here are some of my videos. For more videos, songs and my writings go to my main web page tedhuntington.com.

My message is pretty simple:
1) Stop violence, jail the violent
2) Photon is matter and basis of all matter
3) Universe is infinite, big bang wrong
4) Seeing, hearing, and sending images and sounds to/from brain and remote muscle moving was figured out (perhaps even by 1310)
5) Full democracy where we vote directly on all government decisions
6) Total free info, no jail for any image
7) No jail for drugs
8) No jail for prost
9) All health care consensual only
10) History of evolution, science and future movie for big screen.

thanks, stop violence teach science,
Ted Huntington

The opinions expressed by Ted Huntington do not necessarily represent the views of the University of California.
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