Hirou Keimou
Title of my channel means "finding enlightenment."
Hello all, my name is Kym. Been an editor since 2009. Retired all my old usernames in favor of starting over. My style is typically raw plus minor effects unless I'm really in a mood for more advanced stuff. Also, I do occasionally do videos with non-anime sources.
As a general rule, I no longer accept studio or MEP invites. And I'll delete ALL questions about song or anime used in my videos. The information is generally linked in the descriptions so please read.
Hello all, my name is Kym. Been an editor since 2009. Retired all my old usernames in favor of starting over. My style is typically raw plus minor effects unless I'm really in a mood for more advanced stuff. Also, I do occasionally do videos with non-anime sources.
As a general rule, I no longer accept studio or MEP invites. And I'll delete ALL questions about song or anime used in my videos. The information is generally linked in the descriptions so please read.
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