Ambitious Studios
Ambitious Studios's Channel
Ambitious Studios has no videos available.
Ambitious Studios
This is a Call of Duty Ghosts Community Channel! Do you think you have skill and not enough exposure? Well here is the place to gain

that exposure you need! If you would like to upload to this channel you must follow the rules below, make sure they are all done correctly!

Rules To Upload
1. You must be subscribed to this channel
2. You must have liked at least 2 of our videos!
3. Send the video you would like to upload to and link your youtube channel in the email!
4. Make Sure To Have Written Permission In The Email!!!
5. Your Done! Wait 2-3 Days For The Upload

Remember we can't upload everyone's videos, so to have it uploaded make sure the quality is at its best. It will greater your chances!

By submitting videos to WEREDRIll or AmbitiousStudios, you hereby acknowledge that you grant WEREDRIll or AmbitiousStudios a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify your video for commercial use.
Channel Comments
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