Making its debut in 2009, AniManGaki was the brainchild of Sun-U Anime Club (SUAC)'s founder, Yvonne Sing Yee Wen. The annual convention was formed by fans, for fans; with the sole purpose of bringing together anime, manga, and game enthusiasts from all walks of life. Branded by the public as "The Trendsetter", AniManGaki continues to surprise visitors by bringing something new to the event each year.
Since 2012, AniManGaki had finalized its separation from SUAC, becoming a convention solely organized by AniManGaki Organizing Committee. Its founding members, graduatees from Sunway University, have continued to actively participate in major event operations till today. Since then, they (along with new additions to the committee) have made calls to improve the content of the event; including the painful decision to leave its birthplace for a larger venue, to accommodate the rising number of attendees.
RAKUGAKI EVENTS PLT (2014040001971)
Since 2012, AniManGaki had finalized its separation from SUAC, becoming a convention solely organized by AniManGaki Organizing Committee. Its founding members, graduatees from Sunway University, have continued to actively participate in major event operations till today. Since then, they (along with new additions to the committee) have made calls to improve the content of the event; including the painful decision to leave its birthplace for a larger venue, to accommodate the rising number of attendees.
RAKUGAKI EVENTS PLT (2014040001971)
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