The Gaming FireFighter
The Gaming FireFighter's Channel
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The Gaming FireFighter
The Gaming FireFighter
I'm a Londoner living in Scotland, but still working in London.
I game on a PS5 with a Arctis Pro Wireless headset. I stream in 1080p full HD via fibre-optic to get as good quality as possible.
My in real life videos are recorded with either a GoPro Hero 7 Black or an iPhone 15 Pro Max in at least 4K.
I've been gaming since before my teens, which means I've been gaming since before you were born.
I play FPS's mainly. I always play story mode on the hardest available difficulty.
So, if you wanna watch an old school gamer show how it's done, this is the place.
I'm a Dad, Grandad, Fire-Fighter and gamer.

If you’re a millionaire and want to help me with a .50pence donation feel free.
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