Richard Eastaff
Welcome to Doughnuts Inspace where the need to be creative and build models from the Sci-Fi genre comes alive, along with the odd ship and car build. With regular updates on the progress of the current build which allows you to see the warts and all approach to how I build. I share the successes and the failures on this fantastic journey of discovery into the world model building.
All are welcome to come along and watch my previous builds and or share in the progress of the current one on the bench. All I ask is that you either subscribe or share the links to others, after all this is a hobby where we need others to grow and learn.
Please do not leave negative or derogatory comments as this serves no purpose and is not welcome and unwanted, after all if you don’t like what you see you don’t have to watch it! Also please watch your language as there could be younger viewers watching these videos too.
All are welcome to come along and watch my previous builds and or share in the progress of the current one on the bench. All I ask is that you either subscribe or share the links to others, after all this is a hobby where we need others to grow and learn.
Please do not leave negative or derogatory comments as this serves no purpose and is not welcome and unwanted, after all if you don’t like what you see you don’t have to watch it! Also please watch your language as there could be younger viewers watching these videos too.
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