Alliance of Geotubers [A.O.G]
Alliance of Geotubers [A.O.G] 's Channel
Alliance of Geotubers [A.O.G] has no videos available.
Alliance of Geotubers [A.O.G]
Alliance of Geotubers [A.O.G]
Hello, This is the Official Channel Of The Alliance of Geotubers, otherwise known as [A.O.G]
This Union has struck creators, big and Small, Old and young, And will hopefully stick around as long as YouTube lives out for
This Union was brought together by our Founding Father Charliebob, And the Alliance consists of 13 Councilers, some with Alts also in the Alliance, These 13 Councilers consist of in order of Joining:
1 & 9. @FrostyMaps (Charliebob) & @Frostybobwastaken (Frostyboi)
2. @SlovakiaCountryball2270 (Slovakia Countryball)
3. @Milosk2732 (Milo SK)
4 & 10. @Lavamaps + @Franceball159 (Lavamaps & Franceball)
5. @Scotlandball99A.O.G (ScotlandBall99)
6. @YugoslaviaCB (Yugoslavia Countryball)
7 & 14. @iJ4lME (iJ4lME) & @imJ4lME (imJ4lME)
8. @TurkballAOG12 (TurkiyeBall)
9. @Frostybobwastaken (FrostyMaps Alt)
10. @Franceball159 (LavaMaps ALT)
11. @Speedyfishookattemptsgames
12. @ZonaiNinja (Zonai Mapping)
13. @Dinglenuts787 (Rooky XD)
14. @imJ4lME (iJ4lME's ALT)
15. UkraineBall [AOG]

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