Katarzyna Dankiewicz
Katarzyna Dankiewicz's Channel
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Katarzyna Dankiewicz
Katarzyna Dankiewicz
"Fate once took me on wings, on a sky cruise on the river of dreams. The chosen one of the summer new moon on the way to the full moon, like the all-powerful author of her life, with the consent to indestructibility. Until suddenly the magical power was taken away from the wings and I fell like Icarus, shattering on the waves. In the depths of the water, the warm voice of the Angel resurrected the soul. I touched Him with fear, so as not to lose the illusion. The Angel - the guardian of pain, took my pain into his pain and hid it in the safe arms of fate. This is how we found the secret of love, like a treasure lost at the bottom of loneliness. (K. Dankiewicz)
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