Trive Living
Trive Living's Channel
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Trive Living
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β€œOnce in a while it really hits people that they don't have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” β€” Alan Keightley.

Family of 3 living anywhere, everywhere

C h a n n e l F A Q s
Why do you have 40K plus subscribers?
a n s w e r:
We used to upload regularly since 2017 and went on hiatus back in 2020 in the midst of pandemic.

Why did you remove your old videos?
a n s w e r:
Personal reason

Are you back in the UK?
a n s w e r:
No. We're still traveling around, and will keep doing so until we get bored of it.

If someone attempts to criticize your lifestyle choice, what will you say?
a n s w e r:
This quote..."Don't worry about what we're doing, worry about why you're worried about what we're doing."

How do you fund your travels?
a n s w e r:
If you're curious (very keen), send us a pm.

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