Ian the Ultimate Mega Glaceon
Ian the Ultimate Mega Glaceon's Channel
Ian the Ultimate Mega Glaceon has no videos available.
Ian the Ultimate Mega Glaceon
Ian the Ultimate Mega Glaceon
Din hija biss ftit informazzjoni dwari. Nagħmel iktar playlists minn vidjows fuq l-istazzjon tiegħi. Jien ngħix l-Amerika, imma jien minn Malta. Jisimni Ian Steward. Jien mhux biss nitkellem il-Malti u l-Ingliż, iżda wkoll il-Latin u r-Russu. Jien fan tal-Pokémon, inkluż l-Iskwadra Eevee. Jien pro fil-ġeografija, imma b'differenza mil-Lingualizer, ma nitkellimx ħafna lingwi.

This is just a little information about me. I make more playlists than videos on my channel. I live in America, but I'm from Malta. My name is Ian Steward. I not only speak Maltese and English, but also Latin and Russian. I’m a fan of Pokémon, including the Eevee Squad. I’m a pro at geography, but unlike Lingualizer, I don’t speak many languages.
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