Ian the Ultimate Mega Glaceon
Din hija biss ftit informazzjoni dwari. Nagħmel iktar playlists minn vidjows fuq l-istazzjon tiegħi. Jien ngħix l-Amerika, imma jien minn Malta. Jisimni Ian Steward. Jien mhux biss nitkellem il-Malti u l-Ingliż, iżda wkoll il-Latin u r-Russu. Jien fan tal-Pokémon, inkluż l-Iskwadra Eevee. Jien pro fil-ġeografija, imma b'differenza mil-Lingualizer, ma nitkellimx ħafna lingwi.
This is just a little information about me. I make more playlists than videos on my channel. I live in America, but I'm from Malta. My name is Ian Steward. I not only speak Maltese and English, but also Latin and Russian. I’m a fan of Pokémon, including the Eevee Squad. I’m a pro at geography, but unlike Lingualizer, I don’t speak many languages.
This is just a little information about me. I make more playlists than videos on my channel. I live in America, but I'm from Malta. My name is Ian Steward. I not only speak Maltese and English, but also Latin and Russian. I’m a fan of Pokémon, including the Eevee Squad. I’m a pro at geography, but unlike Lingualizer, I don’t speak many languages.
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