GregGore's Channel
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After decades of honing my craft, I have received the highest accolades in monster hunting, and with this gift and will share with you my endeavors into the deepest, darkest corners of the virtual underworld.

See, evil is relentless in trying to find a way into our lives, and with the advancements of technology over the decades, they have maliciously found the means to use video games to open portals into our world, invade our homes and poison our minds.

I have at my disposal a great wealth of information, tools and skills obtained from all corners of the world with this specific task in mind.

If you would do me the honor of joining me in my life quest I will be forever grateful – even more so if you can share with me those games I have yet to destroy the great evil contained within them – evil that must NEVER cross dimensions. You will also have the satisfaction knowing that you are helping me in such an important manner.
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