Defining Dominoes
Defining Dominoes's Channel
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Defining Dominoes
We, a group of 3 friends, love to indulge in the satisfactory art of dominoes.
With an experience of over five years, we have built domino rallies with hundreds of dominoes depicting a number of tricks and fields. We make CGI animated domino clips, and domino screenlinks as well. Do enjoy, like, share and subscribe as we work hard and with a lot of patience, day and night, giving you the best of us, and only to take a video and topple it in seconds. Three hours’ work in a twenty second result. Do contact us through our email address given below if you wish to collaborate.
Some of our videos have fails, but nevertheless, “practice makes a man perfect”. So get ready for some INSANELY SATISFYING domino rallies.

We post our videos on weekends.

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