Urdu Main Sub Kuch Saleem Ghaffar
Urdu Main Sub Kuch Saleem Ghaffar's Channel
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Urdu Main Sub Kuch Saleem Ghaffar
Urdu Main Sub Kuch Saleem Ghaffar
My name is Sir Saleem. Urdu Main Sub Kuch is a Premier Urdu language channel that covers in Urdu along with
Najoom, Hamzad, Jinnat, Makhfi Uloom, Wazaif, Telepathy, Purisrar Dunya, Makhfi Uloom, Health, Islamic Information, General Knowledge, Math Trics, Love Test, Accounting, Urdu Informations.

The variety of topics on this channel makes us different from many other channels on Youtube. We provide solutions to day-to-day problems.

Jaisa Kai Name Sai Zahir Hai Kai.... Urdu Main Sub Kuch...
So please Subscribe Like & Shares to your friends and family members.
Thanks for visit.
Sir Saleem Ghaffar.
YouTube Link:

► Facebook:➜ https://www.facebook.com/UrduMainSubKuch...
► Facebook:➜ https://www.facebook.com/saleem.ghaffar....
► Instagram:➜ https://www.instagram.com/sirsaleemstyle...
► Blog:➜ https://urdumensubkuch.blogspot.com
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